
Neatly installed: the screed-flush duct system UBSF

UBSF is a free-standing, acoustically decoupled duct system for adaptable, barrier-free cable routings. The system is installed flush with the screed in the floor and consists of the duct, covers and other components and accessories. UBSF is designed for office traffic loads and is suitable for both dry and wet-cleaned floor coverings.

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PohlCon expands partnerships: Movizon and ScaliRo for WCPS

We are pleased to announce two new partnerships from PohlCon: Movizon and ScaliRo. Both collaborations make it easier for robot fleet operators to integrate our WCPS wireless charging infrastructure.

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PohlCon und Dätwyler IT Infra luden zum Ratinger Brandschutztag ein

PohlCon invited to the Ratingen Fire Protection Day

On June 13th us and our business partner Dätwyler IT Infra did organize the second Fire Protection Day of 2024.

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Elevator insulation JAI

Lifts are an integral part of modern buildings. The higher the height, the greater the role played by modern elevator systems for the movement of users. At the same time, the demand for more living comfort is steadily rising. An insufficiently insulated lift system can transmit the sound waves into the building and thus cause noise pollution in adjacent rooms.

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PohlCon stellt seine Schallschutzprodukte auf dem Schwelmer Symposium vor

Schwelm Symposium 2024

On June 17th and 18th, PohlCon will present our system solution for sound insulation in elevator shafts at the symposium for modern elevator technology.

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Besuchen Sie PohlCon auf der Architect@Work in München, Berlin und Frankfurt

Visit us at the ARCHITECT@WORK 2024

Three Architect@Work trade fairs will take place in Germany this year. The first will be in Munich, followed by Berlin and Frankfurt. PohlCon will be present at all events.

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Wärmedämmelemente ISOPRO® 80 und 120 für Stahl- und Holzanschlüssen

New ISOPRO® series for balconies

Our ISOPRO® 80 and 120 thermal insulation elements now also ensure a force-fit connection for steel and timber connections.

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PohlCon ist Aussteller auf den 68. BetonTagen in Ulm

Concrete solutions - PohlCon at the 68th BetonTage

PohlCon will take part in the 68th BetonTage as an exhibitor with modern product solutions by our brands JORDAHL and H-BAU Technik.

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Das PENTAFLEX® Abdichtungssystem ist für den Einsatz in Bauwerken der Beanspruchungsklasse 1 und Nutzungsklasse A nach WU-Richtlinie geeignet. Es genügt eine Einbindetiefe von 30 mm, um einem Wasserdruck von 5,0 bar standzuhalten. (© PohlCon)

Everything from a single source: Waterproofing solutions from PohlCon

PohlCon offers perfectly coordinated waterproofing systems for watertight structures with the highest service class.

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PohlCon und Dätwyler leiteten in Hannover die Brandschutztage 2024 ein

PohlCon opened the Fire Protection Days 2024

On April 18, the time had finally come: Together with our business partner Datwyler IT Infra, we launched the Fire Protection Days 2024 in Hanover.

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Open day in Schönecken

On April 21, from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm, we invite you to visit the PohlCon plant in Schönecken at the open day.

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Trapezblechbefestigungsschiene JTB-LA von PohlCon in zwei Varianten

Keeps its promises: our new JTB-LA

The JTB-LA profiled metal sheet channel is an innovative and pioneering solution for the construction industry thanks to its innovative hole anchoring and user-friendly installation options. With the JTB-LA, planners and builders can rely on many advantages, both on the construction site and when calculating construction costs. From now on, it will be possible to attach sheets to filigree concrete components from a component height of 150 mm, significantly expanding the range of applications

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Fire protection days 2024 - Fire protection made by PohlCon

Fire protection is an increasingly important topic in the construction of buildings. This is why we are dedicating a series of lectures and discussions to this topic at four locations during the Fire Protection Days, for which all participants receive a certificate.

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PohlCon Solar auf der Solar Solutions International in Amsterdam

Goodbye Solar Solutions!

Our PohlCon Solar team looks back on exciting days at the Solar Solutions trade fair. The success of the event was also noticeable at our stand.

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Der erste Brandschutztag 2024 findet am 18. April in Hannover statt.

Fire Protection Days 2024 - Working together for greater safety

Finally back after a four-year break: the Fire Protection Days. An event by and for experts to inform, discuss and network on all aspects of fire protection.

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Der PohlCon-Stand auf der Light+Building 2024

PohlCon live at the trade fair event of the year

Presentations, innovations, inspiration - PohlCon experienced six exciting days at Light+Building, the world's leading trade fair for lighting and building technology.

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Modern solutions for data centers

Data centers are a complex infrastructure in which our cable support systems contribute to greater clarity, security and availability.

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PohlCon bietet ein breites Portfolio an Schalrohren und den passenden Zubehörteilen

PohlCon RAPIDOBAT® - A branded shuttering tube in a class of its own

With Rapidobat® shuttering tubes from the PohlCon brand H-BAU Technik, you can give free rein to your creative ideas.

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PohlCon Solar präsentiert hochwertige Unterkonstruktionen für Photovoltaiksysteme auf der Solar Solutions International

PohlCon Solar at the Solar Solutions International

The trade fair for solar energy takes place in Amsterdam in March. With PohlCon Solar, we will be presenting our photovoltaic product portfolio to an international audience.

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Der neue Bodenkanal von PohlCon mit flexibler Lochung

Walkable floor duct further developed

Our BK floor duct has always ensured safe and efficient cable routing in the manufacturing industry. This is why the walkable industrial duct is primarily used in mechanical and plant engineering, including in the field of automation in automotive production. The new perforation enables even more versatile use of our floor duct.

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Besuchen Sie uns auf der Light & Building in Frankfurt am PohlCon-Stand B66 in Halle 12

The countdown is on!

It's almost time: PohlCon will be shining at "Light & Building", the world's leading trade fair for lighting and building technology in Frankfurt, starting March 3rd. Come and visit us!

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Die BAU 2019: PohlCon präsentiert sich zum 1. Mal dem Publikum

Happy Birthday PohlCon

PohlCon is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year - half a decade in which we not only changed our color, but also bundled our expertise and strengths.

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PohlCon spendet dem Kinder- und Jugendwerk "Die Arche"

Donation to children's foundation „Die Arche“

Child poverty is an appalling part of everyday life in Germany too. With a Christmas donation, PohlCon is supporting the Berlin children's foundation „Die Arche“ in its work against this social grievance.

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PohlCon Jahresrückblick 2023

PohlCon review 2023

The past year was a very busy one for PohlCon. At various trade fairs, the company not only presented itself, but also some new products. There was also a change in management.

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Toll levy on transport costs from December 1, 2023

There is an additional cost of €9.80 per order.

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Die PohlCon Ankerschiene – Montagefreundlich, sicher & zuverlässig seit 110 Jahren

The anchor channel - easy to install, safe & reliable

Our anchor channels from JORDAHL have been a first-choice product for 110 years. This is not least due to their uncomplicated handling and modern dimensioning software.

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Unser PohlCon Messeteam auf der STUVA 2023 in München

STUVA Expo - PohlCon at tunnel industry event

On November the 8th and 9th, one of the most important forums for the entire underground construction sector took place. We presented ourselves there with exhibits from the shell construction and lining product categories.

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Voller Erfolg für PohlCon auf der Architect@Work in Stuttgart

Architect meets innovations - PohlCon at ARCHITECT@WORK Stuttgart

PohlCon also presented itself at the Stuttgart A@W with an exclusive mix of product innovations in the areas of underfloor, cable support systems and room design.

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PohlCon Team auf der Interlift 2023 in Augsburg

"Hit the bull's eye" at the Interlift

Not only our visitors were enthusiastic about the last Interlift. The PohlCon team was also more than pleased with the more than positive response to the products presented.

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New type of lift shaft anchor from PohlCon

With the new JLF lift shaft anchor, you are simply faster. As a cast-in anchor point, the JLF lift shaft anchor designed for material loads makes working in the elevator shaft more efficient and convenient.

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Treffen Se PohlCon auf der STUVA München, Halle C1, Stand B115

See you at STUVA 2023

The STUVA is a fixed date in the calendar of national and international tunnel construction experts. Also PohlCon presents itself at the fair in Munich with a product mix of the areas shell construction and lining.

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Besuchen Sie PohlCon in Halle 3, Stand 3028

Visit us at the Interlift 2023

After a very successful Interlift 2022 we are pleased to welcome you again this year at our booth and present our product solutions - with a special highlight.

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Beim Bau der Fusionsreaktor-Forschungsanlage COMPASS-U in Prag kam unsere Glasfaserkunststoffbewehrung FIBERNOX® V-ROD zum Einsatz.

Innovative reinforcement for pioneering research

Our glass fibre reinforcement FIBERNOX® V-ROD was used in the construction of the COMPASS-U fusion reactor research facility in Prague.

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Das PohlCon-Team auf der efa:ON 2023 in Leipzig

PohlCon shone at efa:ON Leipzig

This year's efa attracted over 13,000 visitors. The established trade fair for electrical, building and lighting technology offered PohlCon the ideal setting for the presentation of our product diversity.

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SECUFLEX® protects against radon

Against the invisible danger: waterproofing structures sealed with PENTAFLEX® and KUNEX® are radon-proof. This now also applies to the pre-applied fully bonded waterproofing system SECUFLEX®.

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Gebogene Ankerschiene im Tunnel

110 years of anchor channels: Great variety – special strengths

Even under extreme conditions, our anchor channels ensure safe and reliable anchoring. Whether tunnels, bridges, explosions or floods – with us you are on the safe side, nationally and internationally.

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15 years PUK Benelux

The Dutch PohlCon subsidiary has now been successfully distributing the products of our PUK brand for 15 years.

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Besuchen Sie PohlCon auf der Architect@Work in Hamburg

Architecture meets Innovation - PohlCon three times at Architect@Work

In June, the A@W trade show in Warsaw exceeded all expectations with over 25% more visitors than last year. All the more we are happy to be present at the editions of A@W in Hamburg, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf.

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PohlCon ist vom 12.-14. September auf der efa:ON in Leipzig

Save the date: PohlCon at efa:ON

We are looking forward to welcoming you soon at efa:ON, the trade fair for electrical, building and lighting technology. Be curious about our product solutions from the areas of cable support and underfloor systems as well as fire protection.

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CHALI Bürstenkanal von PohlCon, Unterflur-Kanalsystem

Change in standards for underfloor duct systems: No problem for CHALI

The new standard change concerns flush-floor brush trunking. Our CHALI meets the new requirements and thus continues to offer standard-compliant, flexible access to power and data networks.

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Elbtower in Hamburg (© SIGNA)

Top references in Hamburg

PohlCon is supplying sealing, formwork, reinforcement and cable management systems for Europe's largest inner-city development project.

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Die PohlCon Ankerschiene von JORDAHL feiert ihren 110. Geburtstag!

110 years of anchor channels - A reason to celebrate!

With the invention of the anchor channel 110 years ago, our JORDAHL brand became a pioneer in the field of fastening technology. We are proud of our patent!

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Unser PohlCon-Messeteam auf der ELEVCON 2023

We would like to thank you for two very successful trade fairs

From June 20th to 22nd, we were able to present our diverse product portfolio at no less than two trade fairs - ELEVCON in Prague and BetonTage in Ulm.

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PohlCon Solar präsentierte sich auf der Intersolar Europe 2023

Record numbers at the Intersolar

From June 14th to 16th, PohlCon Solar participated in Europe's largest energy industry trade fair - Intersolar Europe in Munich.

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Simulation von Visual Components mit WCPS von PohlCon

WCPS as planning module in Visual Components

With Visual Components, the type and planning of contactless energy provision with WCPS can now be harmonized with the given operating sequences in a process-safe manner.

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PohlCon präsentiert Schallschutzelement JAI auf der ELEVCON 2023 in Prag

PohlCon Sound Insulation at ELEVCON 2023

We look forward to welcoming you at ELEVCON, the trade congress of the elevator industry. Be curious about our product solutions from the field of sound insulation.

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Pentaflex Fugenbleche bedienen sämtliche Vorgaben des neuen DBV-Merkblatts

This is how sealing works: with the new DBV leaflet for coated joint sheet systems.

PENTAFLEX® for sure - the joint sheet product family meets all the requirements of the leaflet.

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PohlCon GmbH ist Teilnehmer des Ulmer Fachkongresses BetonTage 2023

PohlCon at the BetonTage 2023 trade congress

At the end of June, PohlCon will participate in the 67th BetonTage as exhibitor and technical expert with modern product solutions of our brands PUK, JORDAHL and H-BAU Technik.

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Connecting Solar Systems: PohlCon Solar auf der Intersolar 2023

PohlCon Solar at Intersolar Europe 2024

From June 19th to 21st, the Intersolar, world's leading trade fair for the solar industry, will take place in Munich. PohlCon Solar GmbH & Co. KG will present its product portfolio there too.

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Oliver D. Gessert erweitert die Geschäftsführung der PohlCon GmbH

Oliver D. Gessert expands the management team of PohlCon

In the dual leadership with Daniela Veit, he wants to further develop the company.

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Thanks for BAU 2023

After a four-year break due to coronavirus, the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems in Munich was a complete success - for us too!

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Trittschalldämmelement Sinton Q von PohlCon

Reverberating footsteps in the stairwell? Not with us.

We now also provide sound decoupling for spiral staircases and thus complete our product portfolio for staircases.

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That was eltefa 2023

After a four-year break due to corona, the eltefa finally took place again in Stuttgart. Of course, PohlCon was also represented at the renowned trade fair of the electrical industry.

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The all-rounder PENTAFLEX KB®

Our PENTAFLEX KB® not only reliably seals construction joints. Whether it's a predetermined crack joint, shuttering or reverse bending connectors – PENTAFLEX® makes sure the joint is sealed.

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Überflieger der Abdichtung: das Fugenblech PENTAFLEX KB®

The high-flyer in sealing: the PENTAFLEX KB® joint sheets

In addition to our KUNEX® joint tapes, the central component of our extensive sealing portfolio is the PENTAFLEX® joint sheets product line from the PohlCon brand H-BAU Technik, which has been tried and tested over many years: the first choice for the construction of water-impermeable concrete structures (White tank).

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Am 18. März fand bei PohlCon der "Berufsentdeckertag" statt - mit großem Erfolg!

Career discovery day at PohlCon

PohlCon organized a "career discovery day". The event was intended to whet young people's appetites for an apprenticeship with us. The event was a complete success!

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We are at BAU – with innovative solutions for shell construction and technical building equipment

BAU is finally back and we are very pleased to welcome you in Munich from 17 to 22 April in hall A2 at booth 319. We are waiting with numerous innovations.

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PohlCon SystemPLUS: Spot Dia in beiden Varianten (Pendel & Clip)

Our SystemPLUS brings light into your rooms

In our latest video we present the spot luminaire DIA - flexible, sustainable, atmospheric.

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PohlCon Preislisten für Rohbau (H-BAU Technik, JORDAHL) und Ausbau (PUK)

PohlCon price lists 2023

The new price lists are there!

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Besuchen Sie PohlCon Solar auf der Fachmesse Solar Solutions International

PohlCon Solar at the Solar Solutions International

In March the trade fair for solar energy takes place in Amsterdam. With PohlCon Solar we present our product portfolio for photovoltaics to the international audience.

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Wohngebäudekomplex Zahálka in Prag

ISOPRO® 120 proves itself in Prague

Against heat loss and moisture damage: thermal insulation elements from PohlCon are indispensable in the new Zahálka building complex.

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PohlCon auf YouTube

Browse through our YouTube channel!

Videos about our products, our works and references - stay up to date.

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Systemübersicht der PohlCon Bodenkanäle

Maximum ease of installation – thanks to the extensive floor duct product range

Our wide range of formed parts for accessible floor ducts saves unnecessary cutting work and costs – for flexible, user-friendly and fast installation. It couldn't be more simple.

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Hello Robot: Charging is near!

Integrated charging for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and smooth operational processes thanks to the interoperable in-ground charging infrastructure from PohlCon: the Wireless Charging Protection System WCPS.

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Unsere Reinigungssteckdosen für Ihre Gestaltungsideen

Our cleaning sockets for your design ideas

In order to meet the most diverse planning requirements, we offer the cleaning sockets of our PUK brand in a variety of designs. Discover our assortment!

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Besuchen Sie PohlCon Solar auf der Genera in Madrid

PohlCon welcomes you at Genera 2023

From February 21st to 23rd, Genera welcomes an international audience of professionals from the energy and environment sectors - our PohlCon Solar team will be there.

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PUK Solar GmbH & Co. KG wird zu PohlCon Solar

A connection for the future

At the turn of the year, PUK-Solar GmbH & Co. KG becomes a 100 percent subsidiary of PohlCon GmbH - PohlCon Solar is born.

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PohlCon wünscht frohe Weihnachten und ein gesundes neues Jahr!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

For the holidays, we wish you and your families good health, a reflective time and some distraction from this year's chaos.

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PohlCon unterstützt ein Frauen- und Kinderschutzhaus und ein Kinder- und Jugendheim

When wishes come true

This year, we are donating 10.000 Euros to two associations whose tireless work gives women and children protection, care and new prospects in life.

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PohlCons Doppelkerb-Zahnschrauben erhielten eine Europäische Technische Bewertung (ETA) und den ICC-ES Report

World's first ETA for stainless steel double-notch toothed t-bolts

Our JKB and JKC double-notch toothed t-bolts have received a European Technical Assessment (ETA) and the ICC-ES Report - an exclusive added value for our fastening range.

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Kabeltragsysteme von PohlCon für den Brandschutz

Cable management systems from PohlCon prove their worth in case of fire

Maintenance of function and escape route installation: PohlCon provides preventive fire protection for cable routing - safely and reliably.

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ETA/ICC-Zertifikat für die Ankerschienen von PohlCon

New ETA and ICC-ES Report for anchor channels JTA, JXA and JZA

Even more types of our anchor channels have received European Technical Assessment (ETA) and ICC-ES certification - an important step towards simplifying design processes.

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Begehbare Bodenkanäle von PohlCon GmbH

Tested safety: Floor ducts protect people and technology

Safety is our top priority. That's why we ensure maximum occupational safety and reliable cable routing with our walkable floor ducts.

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Crafted for construction: technical building equipment at industrial level

Large order for PohlCon: The entire cable management and underfloor portfolio of our brand PUK was used in the new paper factory near Stuttgart.

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ISOPRO® 120 Wärmedämmelement

Optimised, versatile, individual: ISOPRO® 120 thermal insulation elements by PohlCon

The new ISOPRO® 120 balcony connections impress with improved thermal insulation and easier installation in the prefab plant and on the construction site.

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PohlCon as a guest at ARCHITECT@WORK

On October 19th and 20th we were part of ARCHITECT@WORK - an exclusive trade fair event for architects and planners.

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PohlCon auf der ARCHITECT@WORK in Berlin

Visit us at ARCHITECT@WORK 2022

The edition of the A@W trade show in Munich in April this year was a great success with over 2,000 visitors. We are all the more pleased to welcome you to the Berlin edition.

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Die Gründungsmitglieder der Arbeitsgemeinschaft BIM Gebäudeautomation und Elektrotechnik im VDMA

For a focus on technical building equipment in the BIM planning process

We are part of the newly founded BIM Building Automation and Electrical Engineering Working Group (AG BIM GA/ET) in the VDMA.

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Unser PohlCon-Team auf der Light + Building 2022

Successful reunion at the Light + Building trade

The Autumn Edition of Light + Building – a special edition of the world's leading trade for lighting and building technology in Frankfurt am Main – was a complete success.

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PohlCon and Wiferion cooperate in the long term

Teaming up for the expansion of industrial wireless charging infrastructure - Wiferion and PohlCon sealed their exclusive partnership in a cooperation agreement at the light+building trade fair.

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Mehr Sicherheit mit Brandschutz-Lösungen von PohlCon

Fire protection: Our products - your safety

Reliable fire protection is an important factor in building design, for which PohlCon offers a wide range of products and experience.

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Unser PohlCon-Team beim E2 Forum 2022

PohlCon: Successful at the E2 Forum 2022

On September 21st and 22nd, the E2 Forum 2022 took place in Frankfurt am Main. PohlCon was also among the participants - with very positive feedback.

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PohlCon unterstützte den Ahrtaler Hilfsverein "Fortuna hilft"

PohlCon and the project "Kinder*Seele"

For Christmas 2021, PohlCon made a very special gift to the Ahrtal-based association "Fortuna hilft" with the donation of 10,000 euros. What could our help achieve so far?

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Elevator & Escalator - PohlCon takes part at the E2 Forum

On September 21st and 22nd, the E2 Forum will take place in Frankfurt am Main. PohlCon will be represented at the fair event around the topic elevators.

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PohlCon ist vom 02. bis 06. Oktober auf der Light + Building 2022, Frankfurt

PohlCon at Light + Building 2022

From October 2nd to 6th, 2022 Light + Building will attract architects, planners, engineers and electrical tradesmen from all over the world to Frankfurt am Main - and we'ill be a part of it.

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Bodenkanäle von PohlCon: Sicher, belastbar, flexibel

Floor ducts from PohlCon: Safe, resilient, flexible

Especially in the manufacturing industry, the floor duct system of the PohlCon brand PUK offers the best protection for cables and lines – for a safe technical supply infrastructure.

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Reliable protection in highly corrosive environments

The duplex coating system XC of the PohlCon brand PUK ensures a corrosion protection duration of more than 15 years for cable management systems - even under extreme environmental conditions.

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Der Neuköllner Bezirksbürgermeister Martin Hikel zu Besuch bei PohlCon GmbH

District mayor visits PohlCon

The district mayor of Neukölln, Martin Hikel, visited our PohlCon location in Berlin - including a factory tour and exciting talks.

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PohlCon Aufzugsisolierung JAI-R für Aufzüge mit Rucksackaufhängung

PohlCons JAI-R sound insulation element - a class of its own

When retrofitting elevators with backpack suspension in existing buildings, special requirements must be met. This is where our modern JAI-R elevator insulation proves its strength.

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Unser PohlCon-Team bei der Berufsorientierungsmesse "Karriere Kick"

PohlCon at the Karriere Kick

PohlCon participated in an unconventional career orientation fair – that enables a casual encounter between companies and potential trainees.

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mazen Ayoubi's Vortrag über PohlCons Produktinnovationen

BetonTage 2022 – PohlCon was there

From June 21th to 23th, the trade congress of the concrete and precast industry took place. PohlCon was among the participants - with very positive feedback.

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Abdichtungen von PohlCon: PENTAFLEX® Fugenblech und SECUFLEX® Frischbetonverbundfolie

All from a single source: Sealing solutions by PohlCon

Thanks to the decades of expertise of the PohlCon brand H-BAU Technik, we offer a perfectly coordinated sealing portfolio for waterproof structures with the highest service class.

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PohlCon Aufzugsisolierung JAI in Einbausituation

Schwelmer Symposium 2022 – PohlCon will be there!

On June 13th and 14th, we will be presenting our system solution for sound insulation in elevator shafts at the symposium for modern elevator technology.

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PohlCon Aufzugsisolierung JAI in Einbausituation

Elevator insulation JAI convinces in research project

PohlCon and students from Frankfurt University conducted field tests with the JAI elevator insulation - a team effort of science and practice with positive results.

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Spulenfundamente mit Glasfaserkunststoffbewehrung FIBERNOX® V-ROD für die Modernisierung des Umspannwerkes Stadorf

FIBERNOX® V-ROD: Modern Gfk reinforcement in use

The substation Stadorf in Lower Saxony will be modernized by 2023. Reinforcement products of our H-BAU Technik brand were used for the construction project.

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Unser PohlCon-Team auf der Interlift 2022

Interlift 2022: PohlCon convinces with sound insulation for elevators

In April, the world's leading trade fair Interlift 2022 took place. We presented the diverse PohlCon ranges for sound insulation at this major event of the elevators industry.

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Great anniversary for PUK-Portacables, S.L.

This year our Spanish subsidiary celebrates its 30th anniversary. The PohlCon GmbH congratulates her on this beautiful event.

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Demonstrator: Memory steel connector under test

As part of the TAVIMBA research project, PohlCon developed new types of fasteners for thin-walled carbon concrete components - the demonstrator test facility is now delivering initial results.

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Customer information on the current situation Ukraine / Russia


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Visit us at the Interlift 2022

After last year's Interlift was canceled due to the pandemic, we are now even more pleased to welcome you this year from April 26 to 29, 2022 in Augsburg at our booth and to present our product solutions.

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FOUR - A new skyscraper quarter for Frankfurt/Main

A unique high-rise complex is being built in Germany's financial metropolis. Products from our brands JORDAHL and H-BAU Technik were used for the structures, among others.

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For better construction planning: link between planning and dimensioning tool

Thanks to the new integration of our JORDAHL® EXPERT construction software and the Revit planning program, structural engineers and architects can calculate and plan their projects even faster and more smoothly. Discover digital construction!

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Sealing products of our brand H-BAU Technik are radon-proof

Our PENTAFLEX KB 167 metal waterstop and our KUNEX waterstops (from 5.5 mm material thickness) protect against the radioactive gas radon. This has now been confirmed by an external testing institute.

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We are PohlCon

Since January 1, 2022, PohlCon Vertriebs GmbH, the PUK Group as well as JORDAHL GmbH and H-BAU Technik GmbH have merged into a single company.

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Merry Christmas

We would like to thank you for your trust, your understanding, and the good collaboration in the past year.

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Christmas donation for children's dreams

This year, we are donating 10,000 Euros to the Ahrtal-based association "Fortuna hilft e.V.". With this donation, we would like to support the volunteers who are working every day to help the families affected by the flood disaster.

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PohlCon GmbH: What belongs together grows together

On January 1, 2022, PohlCon Vertriebs GmbH, the PUK Group as well as JORDAHL GmbH and H-BAU Technik GmbH will merge into a single company. The absorbing company will be the new PohlCon GmbH with headquarters in Berlin.

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Inventory: Availability between the years

We use the quiet days between the years for our inventory. Of course, we will still be available to you with a smaller staff.

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Installation units with VDE certificate for machine cleaning

Electronics and wetness are a critical combination when using cleaning machines. To achieve a smooth power supply, our manufacturer brand PUK has developed waterproof machine cleaning units.

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Architects' Darling 2021: Bronze for JORDAHL

On November 9, the eleventh Architects' Darling Awards ceremony took place in Celle, Lower Saxony. JORDAHL won bronze in the fastening technology category.

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Update: We are better reachable again

As a result of the cyber attack on 6 September, our company was previously only reachable via central emergency numbers. New telephone numbers are now available.

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We present: Our new JAI types at the First Swiss Lift Day

We will present our new product solutions for sound insulation of elevator systems at the First Swiss Lift Day, on 9 November in Wallisellen near Zurich.

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Enhanced elevator insulation JAI for freight and backpack elevators

Especially for elevator systems with high load capacity or backpack suspension, sound insulation is a huge challenge. For a long time, there was no established solution for this on the market - until now.

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SystemPLUS - The cable tray becomes a design element

Technical building equipment (TGE) products are primarily functional and not very aesthetic. Is it not possible to combine both? With the new SystemPLUS product line, PohlCon pursued precisely this idea, and thus succeeded in transforming the classic cable tray into a stylish design element.

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FERBOX® Design 2021: The new version of the design software is available!

The latest version of the FERBOX® Design design software from our manufacturer brand H-BAU Technik makes the planning of the new product generation of rebend connections even easier.

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System failure: You can reach us via central emergency numbers

Our company has fallen victim to a cyber attack. As there is a fault in our system, you can currently only reach us via our central emergency telephone numbers.

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Adjustment of price increase surcharges as of 01.08.2021

The impact of rising prices for raw materials and intermediate products remains high and an end to the price spiral cannot be expected in the medium term, which is why we are…

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Quality builds trust

The toothed anchor channel of our manufacturing company JORDAHL receives a European Technical Assessment (ETA). A proof of quality that makes the product group of anchor channels even more attractive for our customers.

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New cleaning sockets from PUK

From now on, you will find special cleaning sockets for dry, damp, and wet-cleaned floor coverings in the PohlCon portfolio. The new product group complements the comprehensive underfloor range of our manufacturer brand PUK.

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Adjustment of the material price surcharges as of mid-June 2021

Current raw material prices are causing us to make further price adjustments.

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New snap connectors for cable management systems

The new snap connectors make the assembly of PUK cable management systems even easier. With them, both cable trays and wire-mesh cable trays can now be connected much more flexibly, easily, and quickly.

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Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for JORDAHL mounting channels, brickwork support brackets, punching shear and shear reinforcement.

When it comes to building design, ecological, economic and social aspects now play a central role for builders and investors worldwide. It is not only planners and architects who are doing everything they can to meet the growing desire for greater sustainability. Manufacturers such as JORDAHL also offer a correspondingly verified product portfolio.

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Improved FERBOX® from H-BAU Technik: reverse bending connector with ETA and design software

As a specialist for reinforcement and special solutions, H-BAU Technik has been producing single-row and double-row reverse bending connectors in a variety of designs for over 30 years. Now the PohlCon manufacturer has given its FERBOX® an update.

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WCPS: The best protection for flush-floor inductive charging technology in production and logistics halls

Autonomous logistics robots, forklifts, or tugger trains that recharge themselves independently during their process-related downtimes: This is the future of intralogistics, which we at PUK are actively shaping.

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With courage and confidence into the new year

We wish you all a successful start to the year and a healthy 2021. Even if no one knows how the year will develop, we can assure you of one thing: No matter what comes: as a reliable construction partner we will always be at your side.

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Donations instead of Christmas gifts

Instead of handing out Christmas presents to our customers, we are donating the amount earmarked for this purpose to a good cause again this year. For this purpose, we have divided the total amount of 20,000 euros. In this way, the money will benefit three different institutions.

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

For the holidays, we wish you and your families above all health, a reflective time and some distraction from this year's chaos.

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Virtual Baunetz interior|design - We are on board

From November 10 to 12, 2020, we will take part as exhibitors and speakers in the digital Heinze trade event for architects, interior designers and designers.

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New production hall for our sealing production

We increase our sealing production. A few weeks ago, our manufacturer brand H-BAU Technik completed a new production hall on the premises in Klettgau. At the end of August/beginning of September, we will be producing the first seam sheets and shuttering elements in the new building.

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PUK Group receives "Top 100 Award"

The PUK Group now officially belongs to the most innovative companies of the medium-sized businesses in Germany. Compamedia has awarded our manufacturer brand with the "Top 100 Award" in the innovation competition. Our PUK colleagues were particularly impressive in the category "Innovative Processes and Organisation".

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Daily business in times of Corona

In the current situations it is our clear objective to protect the health of all employees, customers and suppliers. Furthermore, we want to minimize the impact on the daily business as far as possible.

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light + building for 2020 cancelled

Recently it has become clear that the light + building will no longer take place in 2020. Due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, the organizers have decided to suspend the fair completely this year. Under the circumstances, this is the only right decision. Nevertheless, we will be happy to inform you about our cable management systems and underfloor systems innovations - on the Internet or in person on the phone.

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New brush channel CHALI: VDE-compliant access in the middle of the room

The new flush-floor brush channel CHALI allows power and data cables to disappear invisibly into the floor - and not only along walls and window fronts. With the flexible underfloor system from PUK, you have a VDE-compliant electrical installation in the middle of the room. This is made possible by the brush cover specially developed by the Berlin manufacturer.

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Light + Building 2020 postponed

Due to the increased spread of the corona virus in Europe, Messe Frankfurt has postponed Light + Building until 26th of September until 2nd of October 2020. Every two years, the world's leading trade fair attracts architects, planners, engineers and electricians from all over the world to Frankfurt am Main and was originally scheduled to take place from 3 to 8 March.

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PENTAFLEX® Agrar - Especially for the requirements in agriculture

The proven system for sealing joints PENTAFLEX® of our manufacturer brand H-BAU Technik is expanded by a new product type: PENTAFLEX® Agrar. PohlCon is thus expanding the range of applications and is positioning itself even more strongly in the sealing product category.

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Online pinboard for the construction industry

PohlCon and its brands PUK, JORDAHL and H-Bau Technik can now be found on the new online platform

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Light + Building 2020

From 8 to 13 March, Light + Building will attract architects, planners, engineers and electrical tradesmen from all over the world to Frankfurt am Main - and we'll be right in the middle of it.

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Happy New Year

We start into the year 2020 full of verve and look back on an exciting first year: PohlCon launch in January, first joint appearance with our manufacturer brands PUK, JORDAHL and H-BAU Technik at the trade fair BAU in Munich, and the first company event with all employees of the group in Berlin on the occasion of PUK's 50th anniversary.

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20,000 Euros for a Good Cause

This Christmastime we decided for a charitable donation. The charities "Deutsche Kinderhospizstiftung" and "Berliner helfen" received 10.000 euros each. Instead of investing in the usual complimentary gifts for our customers, we support people in need, in Berlin and nationally.

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50 years of PUK

For a long time, the PUK brand has stood for top quality products for electrical installation. This summer we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the company, today called PUK Group.

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Balconies securely dimensioned

The new planning and dimensioning software ISODESIGN from H-BAU Technik now offers you more freedom in the planning and dimensioning of balcony connections.


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Successful exhibition participation in Stuttgart

From March 20 to 22 March, during the 20th edition of the eltefa exhibition, PohlCon represented the manufacturer brand PUK in Stuttgart.

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PohlCon manufacturer brands on

Starting immediately, you will find all prepared tender texts for our manufacturer brands PUK, JORDAHL and H-BAU Technik in the database

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PohlCon at eltefa 2019

From March 20 to 22, we will present our new umbrella brand PohlCon at eltefa in Stuttgart.

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PohlCon at electrotechnik 2019 in Dortmund

In Dortmund, PohlCon presented itself with a focus on products from the manufacturer's brand PUK.

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The first official presentation - PohlCon umbrella brand

The new umbrella brand PohlCon debuted to the public for the first time at BAU 2019.

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Joint tape KUNEX® TPE

The KUNEX ® product family has grown. In addition to the well-known variety of PVC joint belt profiles for sealing working and expansion joints in concrete, the TPE versions offer new possibilities in the application. In comparison to other products, the material has a higher tensile strength and temperature resistance. These mechanical and chemical properties make it the ideal all-rounder in demanding fields of application.


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Thermal insulation element for the wall base ISOMUR®

Especially at the wall base on the sole of the building or above the basement ceiling, thermal bridges often form a weak point of buildings. In the worst case, they lead to moisture damage and mold formation. The ISOMUR ® thermal insulation element solves this problem by using Neopor® as an insulating material in combination with lightweight concrete, improving thermal insulation directly at this neuralgic site. The elements do not absorb moisture and are classified as non-suctorial as a result.

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Masonry reinforcement GRIPRIP®

GRIPRIP® is used as butt joint anchorage or as a structural masonry reinforcement and is used to avoid cracking. With the combination of high-quality aramid fiber and reinforcement mesh, it ensures the optimal force distribution in the wall joint. Thanks to the increased use of thin-bed masonry, joints are increasingly glued. With its minimal material thickness, the further development of the GRIPRIP® thus also meets the current requirements for an even thinner masonry reinforcement.

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Connection strap JVB-V & JVB-N

The JVB-V and JVB-N connecting straps are ideal for connecting precast concrete parts such as supports and walls. Combined with anchor rails and screws, they form an ideal fastening solution to align prefabricated components quickly and three-dimensionally. The installation is simple and allows easy balancing of construction tolerances during installation of prefabricated parts.

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SECUFLEX® pre-applied fully bonded membrane system

The SECUFLEX® pre-applied fully bonded membrane system provides reliable protection against pressing water in non-waterproof constructions. The three-layer system consists of an HDPE sealing web, an adhesive layer and a special granulate layer above that. For example, SECUFLEX® forms a backflow-proof interconnection similar to a white tub and minimizes the risk of later building damage.

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Walkable floor duct BK

Walkable floor ducts are particularly interesting for industrial halls. Firmly anchored in the ground, they offer the possibility to plan and set up their respective applications flexibly. The class 12 anti-slippage embossing on the walk-on covers increased safety for employees. Knockouts allow for individual mounting of turning bolts as an alternative to the cover clip and can still be used for the attachment of potential equalization Thanks to the easy access, the laid cables can be easily repaired, replaced or retrofitted.

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Grindable Shuttering Unit UNSKH

Grindable shuttering units are used for the norm-compliant installation of underfloor installation units in screed and bitumen floors. As levelling lost formwork, they protect the built-in shafts regardless of the finished floor height. Installation units can be used retrospectively without the need for complex adjustment. In addition, the decoupling counteracts the impact sound transmission and crack formation.

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Single outlet BODO NAT

Our classic, the single outlet BODO in the on-floor version can already be used from a floor height of 50mm. As a mini media column, it can be configured with up to two sockets. The patented bayonet fitting makes the BODO NAT easy to open and close. This enables simplified installation and flexible use in the room. If the sockets are not needed, the outlet can be easily closed with the integrated cover.

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Round stainless steel installation unit UEKDD R E

This cassette installation unit is the newest member of our stainless steel product family. The floor covering protection frame is made of stainless steel in a deep drawing process. Thus, no unattractive welds are visible. It gives the unit a visually appealing frame and the necessary robustness for use with all carpet and wooden floors.

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