20,000 Euros for a Good Cause

This Christmastime we decided for a charitable donation. The charities "Deutsche Kinderhospizstiftung" and "Berliner helfen" received 10.000 euros each. Instead of investing in the usual complimentary gifts for our customers, we support people in need, in Berlin and nationally.

Founded in 2007, the German children's hospice charity Deutsche Kinderhospizstiftung attends to children and teenagers and their relatives from the diagnosis until the end. A severe medical condition of a child challenges the whole family psychologically and physically. Especially the affected children and teenagers, but also their parents and siblings require care and support. They are taken care of by the nationwide hospice care, both outpatient and in-patient.

The public charity Berliner helfen supports people that got in financial difficulties through no fault of their own. Since the year 2000, the Berlin-based association has been supporting charitable institutions and initiatives of youth and elderly care as well as welfare work that are recognized as worthy of support. Furthermore, it supports youth development in socially deprived areas of Berlin, including assisted living groups in Reinickendorf, a children's home in Marzahn and a youth club in Neukölln.

We are very happy to support these two charitable organizations in their important work and hope that our donation will give hope and help to those affected.  

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