PohlCon and Datwyler kick off the Fire Protection Days 2024 in Hanover

PohlCon opened the Fire Protection Days 2024

On April 18, the time had finally come: Together with our business partner Datwyler IT Infra, we launched the Fire Protection Days 2024 in Hanover.

This year's Fire Protection Days kicked off with a small but excellent event in the capital of Lower Saxony. For one day, participants had the opportunity to listen to five invited experts from the fields of fire protection and functional integrity. Unlike in the years before Corona, the event was not organized as a classic series of lectures but as an open discussion round between the speakers themselves and with the audience. A new approach that received positive feedback from all participants without exception.

Olaf Sieper, Sales Representative at Datwyler IT Infra, acted as moderator and guided the speakers through the event with great aplomb. Peter Pardeyke, engineer at Datwyler, Dr. Peter Nause and Yannik Nause from Ingenieurbüro für Brandschutz und Bauarten as well as Erik Vogler, PohlCons Head of Technology & Product Development Expansion / Cable Routing were able to shed light on all the announced topics in detail. In a relaxed atmosphere, they exchanged facts and experiences and answered all of the guests' questions. The day's agenda included the following topics:

1.    Planning under consideration of existing structural boundary conditions

  • Basic verifications
  • Dealing with deviations
  • Fixing

2. Challenges during implementation

  • External installation
  • Fastening distances
  • Other boundary conditions

2.    Challenges after execution

  • Declaration of conformity
  • Labeling
  • Dealing with refusal of acceptance

"We are delighted that the event was so well received by all participants. The panel discussion format made the concentrated expertise of our guest speakers even more tangible. We have the feeling that this first Fire Protection Day has struck a chord with our customers and met their need for expert advice. This gives us confidence for the next three events planned for this year," says Henning Petke, PohlCons Sales Manager in the Germany Expansion / Cable management division, summing up the successful start to the event series.

The next Fire Protection Days will take place in:

  • Ratingen, on June 13th, 2024
  • Berlin, on September 24th, 2024
  • Munich, on November 7th, 2024

If you would like to take part, register quickly and easily on our info page.

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