On March 18th, the "Career Discovery Day" took place at PohlCon - with great success!

Career discovery day at PohlCon

PohlCon organized a "career discovery day". The event was intended to whet young people's appetites for an apprenticeship with us. The event was a complete success!

The search for suitable apprentices is more difficult than ever for German companies. Last year, the proportion of companies that were unable to fill all vacant apprenticeships grew to 42 percent*. In order to attract the attention of potential apprentices and win them over, companies have to take innovative and creative paths. PohlCon has discovered and tested one of these ways for itself - with impressive results.

Let's go to PohlCon!

On March 18th, the "Career Discovery Day" for students took place at the Berlin location. The aim of this event was to reach young people who would like to start their career with an apprenticeship at PohlCon.

The campaign was created in collaboration with Carola Schneider, whose agency manages projects to recruit trainees, among other things. The former vocational school teacher and trained metalworker visited several school classes in Berlin and Brandenburg and invited the young people to visit us. Twenty students and some parents accepted the invitation.

On the machine, ready, go!

As part of the event under the motto "Test your career talent," the participants were divided into groups and went through a career discovery course. The groups moved from station to station every 15 to 20 minutes and were allowed to ask all their questions, explore the various work processes and even work on our machines themselves.

The event was very successful - both for the young people and for our employees, who were very impressed by the curiosity and energy of the students. At the end of the event, 15 participants* stated that they would like to visit us again and could imagine starting an apprenticeship at PohlCon.

* Source: Survey of around 15,000 companies by the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce

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