The bracket KTS is attached to bracket holder KDI or KHI and is designed for maximum loads of up to 7 kN, depending on the bracket length. They are made of hot-dip galvanised steel.

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steel, batch/hot-dip galvanized
Products L length B1 width 1 B2 width 2 H height Pmax maximum load W Weight per storage unit bookmark
KTS 020F284 mm200 mm280 mm180 mm7,00 kN1,588 kg
KTS 030F384 mm300 mm380 mm180 mm6,30 kN1,985 kg
KTS 040F484 mm400 mm480 mm180 mm5,50 kN2,271 kg
KTS 050F584 mm500 mm580 mm180 mm4,90 kN2,673 kg
KTS 060F684 mm600 mm680 mm180 mm4,30 kN3,010 kg
KTS 070F784 mm600 mm780 mm180 mm3,60 kN3,440 kg
KTS 080F884 mm600 mm880 mm180 mm3,00 kN3,805 kg
KTS 090F984 mm600 mm980 mm180 mm2,30 kN4,216 kg
KTS 100F1084 mm600 mm1080 mm180 mm1,70 kN4,471 kg

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