JVB-V Connection straps

The connection straps JVB-V are designed for connections that transmit transverse loads, e.g. for frontal column/wall connections. They are available in three different lengths and are made of either galvanised steel or stainless steel.

data sheet

Tender text

You can find the appropriate tender text for this product on these portals:


Products L length L1 length 1 L2 length 2 B width H height W Weight per storage unit bookmark
JVB-V-5030-152-GV415 mm22 mm392 mm100 mm6 mm1,770 kg
JVB-V-5030-152-L4415 mm22 mm392 mm100 mm6 mm1,768 kg
JVB-V-2815-108-GV283 mm10 mm273 mm50 mm6 mm0,616 kg
JVB-V-2815-108-L4283 mm10 mm273 mm50 mm6 mm0,608 kg
JVB-V-3817-122-L4340 mm12 mm327 mm75 mm6 mm1,095 kg
JVB-V-3817-122-GV340 mm12 mm327 mm75 mm6 mm1,069 kg


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