Parapet Brick Anchor JAV

    JORDAHL JAV parapet brick anchors secure the facing shell freely up to the upper edge of the parapet. In this way, they protect the facing masonry from deformation of the parapet. JAV facing anchors are anchored to continuous anchor channels or dowels in the ring beam of the lower wall. This is how they absorb loads from wind suction and wind pressure. The connection between the facing masonry and the parapet brick anchor is made by JORDAHL JMA brick tie anchors.


    • For creative façade design
    • Comprehensive service and expert consultation
    • Cost-effective installation on JORDAHL anchor channels set in concrete
    • Customisable on request
    Whatever you plan.

    We accompany you with expert advice, for every application. For day-to-day work in which much becomes easier and for increasing gratification in successful results.

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