The extended trough LW is used for improved cable support. They are suitable for cables with a maximum diameter of 120 mm and are available in lengths of 70 or 100 mm. We provide components in various materials and surface finishes to ensure that various requirements for different areas of application are met.

data sheet

Tender text

You can find the appropriate tender text for this product on these portals:


steel, continously hot galvanized/Sendzimir process
Products L length D diameter ØC Suitable for max. cable diameter W Weight per storage unit bookmark
LW 1270 mm9 - 12 mm12 mm0,009 kg
LW 1670 mm13 - 16 mm16 mm0,010 kg
LW 2070 mm17 - 20 mm20 mm0,012 kg
LW 2470 mm21 - 24 mm24 mm0,015 kg
LW 2870 mm25 - 28 mm28 mm0,018 kg
LW 3270 mm29 - 32 mm32 mm0,022 kg
LW 3670 mm33 - 36 mm36 mm0,023 kg
LW 4070 mm37 - 40 mm40 mm0,026 kg
LW 4470 mm41 - 44 mm44 mm0,031 kg
LW 4870 mm45 - 48 mm48 mm0,034 kg
LW 5270 mm49 - 52 mm52 mm0,036 kg
LW 5670 mm53 - 56 mm56 mm0,039 kg
LW 6070 mm57 - 60 mm60 mm0,038 kg
LW 6470 mm61 - 64 mm64 mm0,045 kg
LW 7070 mm65 - 70 mm70 mm0,048 kg
LW 7670 mm71 - 76 mm76 mm0,118 kg
LW 82100 mm77 - 82 mm82 mm0,127 kg
LW 88100 mm83 - 88 mm88 mm0,137 kg
LW 94100 mm89 - 94 mm94 mm0,146 kg
LW 100100 mm95 - 100 mm100 mm0,155 kg
LW 110100 mm101 - 110 mm110 mm0,171 kg
LW 120100 mm111 - 120 mm120 mm0,186 kg
Stainless steel, according to ASTM 304 / BS 304 S 3
Products L length D diameter ØC Suitable for max. cable diameter W Weight per storage unit bookmark
LW 12E70 mm9 - 12 mm12 mm0,009 kg
LW 16E70 mm13 - 16 mm16 mm0,010 kg
LW 20E70 mm17 - 20 mm20 mm0,013 kg
LW 24E70 mm21 - 24 mm24 mm0,015 kg
LW 28E70 mm25 - 28 mm28 mm0,018 kg
LW 32E70 mm29 - 32 mm32 mm0,022 kg
LW 36E70 mm33 - 36 mm36 mm0,024 kg
LW 40E70 mm37 - 40 mm40 mm0,026 kg
LW 44E70 mm41 - 44 mm44 mm0,031 kg
LW 48E70 mm45 - 48 mm48 mm0,034 kg
LW 52E70 mm49 - 52 mm52 mm0,037 kg
LW 56E70 mm53 - 56 mm56 mm0,040 kg

Detail and application images

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