BGV Badische VersicherungenKarlsruhe, Deutschland

With the revitalisation of the main building of the BGV (Badischer GemeindeVersicherungsVerband) in Karlsruhe, the building is one of the most eco-friendly office buildings in Germany. By recycling materials, energy consumption was already reduced during the construction phase. Overall, carbon dioxide emissions were reduced by 100 tonnes per year. Large, light-flooded rooms and light materials such as glass, wood and steel determine the appearance. The flexibly usable areas are complemented by communication zones, meeting rooms and a restaurant. Around 350 people have found a workplace on approx. 23,000 square metres.

In the BGV main building, for example, stainless steel hinged cover units UEKD V E and stainless steel dummy cover units UEBD V E were installed.

BGV-Immobilien GmbH & Co KG
Vollack ArchiTec GmbH & Co. KG
Construction Period
06/2011 - 08/2013
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