Whether new or existing constructions, renovation or modernization: contemporary building products must offer a wide scope for challenging structural conditions, creative design wishes and subsequent changes. The variable formed parts and accessories in PohlCon´s range of cable management systems meet precisely this requirement.
First and foremost our variable RBV cable tray bends, which allow a horizontal change of direction of the cable routing from 0° to 90° during the installation. In a further developed version, the bends can also be attached to the tray as an attachment junction. The direction of the junction can be changed from 0° to 45°.
RBV in detail
PohlCon offers the RBV with a side height of 35, 60, 85 and 110 mm, matching with the cable tray systems RG and RGS. The RBV 60 can also be combined with the installation trays RI and RIS. The tray bends have integrated connectors for sides and bases as well as slotted holes for attaching separating strips or brackets. Due to the extra bend at its ends and the fact that it overlaps widely, there is no need for a VB floor connector - a further cost saving compared to the conventional 90° bend.

In addition to the new RBV tray bend, the portfolio of formed parts and accessories for our cable management systems has been expanded to include four further components: the RAEV variable cable tray attachment corner, the LGVHV variable cable ladder connector and variable separating strips such as the RTRV, LGTRV, WPTRV or WTRV. Thanks to their flexibility, variable horizontal changes of direction can be easily implemented and, for example, acute and obtuse angles can be easily and quickly compensated for directly on the construction site.
Flexibility is the be-all and end-all
Our new RAEV attachment corners enable variable, horizontal changes in the direction of cable routing in the form of a junction or self-designed channel bends. Using the variable RTRV separating strips, cables and lines with different operating voltages can be laid separately from each other. Thanks to their division into segments, they are freely bendable and can therefore be optimally positioned in formed parts.

By using our LGVHV cable ladder connector, horizontal changes of direction can be achieved - even without the use of formed parts. The connector is bent to the required angle and then used as a bend, branch or reduction. Depending on the individual construction situation, missing rungs must be supplemented with the KHB 7 profile rail.
Unique selling point
The variability is the decisive added value of our new formed parts and accessories. It offers a plus in variation and modification options during assembly that is unique on the German market. PohlCon proves once again, that, in addition to high quality, ease of assembly is the top priority for our product development.