[Bitte in "English" übersetzen:] Oliver D. Gessert erweitert die Geschäftsführung der PohlCon GmbH

Oliver D. Gessert expands the management team of PohlCon

In the dual leadership with Daniela Veit, he wants to further develop the company.

Since the beginning of May Oliver D. Gessert is part of the PohlCon management. The business graduate (FH) has many years of experience in the aviation industry and the sanitary sector. Since 2013, Gessert has been the sole managing director of KWC Aquarotter GmbH and brings expertise in association work as deputy chairman of the VDMA Fachverband Armaturen. "After a long time in one company, I am curious to be part of this new team. With its wide range of product solutions, PohlCon offers a great opportunity that we would like to use together to position the company, which is a fourth-generation family business, for the future," says Gessert.

Together with Daniela Veit, who was appointed to the management of the former group of companies in 2016, he forms the new top management of PohlCon: "I warmly welcome Mr. Gessert to PohlCon and look forward to a trusting, intensive cooperation. The past years have shown us again and again that the active further development of the company is essential for its continued existence. We are convinced that together we can dovetail the diverse company divisions even more and highlight their respective strengths."


About PohlCon
The company, headquartered in Berlin, is an internationally active building supplier and offers numerous products in currently 13 product categories around the building. About 1,000 employees work at twelve locations in Germany - about 1,500 worldwide. At the six German and four international production sites, high-quality products for building shells and building finishing are manufactured in cooperation. In 2021, the group of companies generated sales of around €270 million. Under its new mission statement "Crafted for construction.", PohlCon combines the values and strengths of craftsmanship at an industrial level. As a volume manufacturer with modern production facilities and close customer support, the company delivers product solutions for individual customer requirements.

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